I know, I know, I already have another Max story to tell. I just thought this was worth sharing. Yesterday was show & tell day at preschool. They give calendars to tell us what to bring for show & tell each Friday, like "bring something that starts with the letter A" or "bring your favorite stuffed animal" etc.. Well this week it said "bring anything you want". So I say, "Max, you can pick anything you want for show and tell". I go on to get kids ready for school and load them in the car. While driving her to preschool I say, "so what did you pick to bring for show & tell?" She unzips her backpack and begins to show me. I started to laugh as she takes out her items: baby powder, lipchap, lipgloss, a doll brush, a notepad, and a travel size baby lotion. Now how did she decide on these random but interesting items to take? She simply opened the junk drawer in the kitchen and grabbed a handful of stuff. I'm sure the kids were mesmerized by her fascinating baby powder, and perhaps envious of the lipchap. She cracks me up!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Totally Wicked!
Casey & I went with Mike & Lori to see Wicked on Tuesday. We had a great steak dinner at Flemings at the Gateway, and then went to the show at the Capitol Theatre. I loved the show, but apparantly Casey didn't love it as much. He had heard so much hype that I guess he expected more. I thought the leads had gorgeous voices and the gal who played Glinda was hilarious. I had never heard the story line behind Wicked, just that it had something to do with the Wizard of Oz. I thought the story was so cute, and I had a great time.Thanks again to my wonderful husband who always takes time to take me out.
I like my mommy & spring break
I love going down to visit mom & dad over spring break because I seriously just get to hang out and veg out at their house. Usually when Casey comes down with me, we are going here, going there, and mom ends up babysitting my kids the whole time. I guess Casey just isn't up for sitting and gabbing with a bunch of women thing. I, on the other hand, love it! The weather is usually gorgeous in St. George over spring break, but this year it was cold. So we did a lot of hanging out at mom's house, but I had a blast doing it. I loved all the mindless conversation and silly jokes with my sisters. I loved watching mom (though she did not know I was watching) show such affection and care to every single grandchild and knowing there is no playing favorites with her makes me appreciate her even more. She genuinely looks at every childs unique and different personalities and makes them feel so special and loves them unconditionally. Thanks for all your work that week mom! I know it wasn't easy! And thanks dad for putting up with all the chaos for a whole week! I mean there were only 6 women and 16 kids running around your house all week, I'm sure it was a breeze for you.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Max World- Reason's for always getting in trouble
I haven't done a Max world in a while, and I really need to keep up, because she is always saying funny things. She has been such a naughty little stink lately. Always pestering Cy & Hadlie, whining about stuff, getting into things she isn't suppose to, you know, being herself. Well, she gets me so boiling mad sometimes and last week I had enough of it and after yelling (confessions, yes I do yell at times) at her I asked her why she keeps being naughty and she looks at me and says, "I don't know! My brain is just going crazy!" Yeah, try to not laugh when a child says that to you!
Max and Ryllie in the store: (Max always narrates their "pretend" play).
Max: And pretend you haven't seen me in a long time, and we are seeing eachother again cause you are from st. george and I am from Africa....
AFRICA? What is that? She has been watching Madigascar 2 too much I guess.
Ryllie and Max got their first pet... Cuckoo took them to an Easter egg hunt last Saturday at Wheeler Farm and they came home with 2 gold fish. So we put them in a little glass bowl, and we buy fish food, but I warn them, that they are small and usually don't live longer than a week. Sure enough, today (day 3) the fish died. Ryllie is sobbing, "that was my first REAL pet!" and Max just shrugs her shoulders and says, "I don't really care if my fish died. I don't really like fish all that much." Polar opposites those two girls.
And that sums up this episode of ......(imagine climactic music and a deep voice announcing) Max World! That is how Max would have liked it.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandpa Hansen
Loved Conference weekend!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April Fool's Day!
I wanted to play a prank on my family this year, so this is what I came up with. I made some cornbread muffins and "frosted" them with sourcream and added sprinkles to make them look delicious! Casey was at Young Men's when I gave the kids their delicious cupcakes. Their faces were hilarious! Cy started spitting it out all over my floor, and Max started to gag! Classic! When Casey got home the kids were in bed, and I knew it was going to take some convincing to get him to eat a cupcake. A few days ago he told me not to make any more treats, and not to buy junk food because he is trying to eat healthier, so I knew he'd be upset if he thought I made more junkfood to tempt him, soooo.... I told him the neighbor made them. He said he wasn't going to eat them, and I told him that it was kind of rude not to at least take a bite, so if they asked him how they were he wouldn't have to lie. That didn't work. A little while later I said, "I am not letting this perfectly good cupcake go to waste, they were so good, and made from scratch, so I'm going to eat it." He says, "go ahead." So I peel back the cupcake wrapper and put it where he could see it, and say, "are you sure you don't want to take a little bite?" He gives in and says, "Okay, give it to me." Then he takes a big bite, and then looks at me, as a huge smile spreads across my face! He starts to laugh, and says, "I can't believe you got me! I am smarter than this!" Needless to say, I laughed for about an hour!
Date Night with David
Last Friday, Casey & I went to the David Archuleta concert. I am the David fan at our house, and it took some persistence from me before Casey gave in and said we could go. He was a perfect gentleman that night. We took the corvette and although it was too cold to take the top down, it was still fun to ride in. We ate at the Training Table located next to the E Center, and that was heaven! I haven't had a burger and fries in a looong time, (have I ever mentioned how much I love Red Robin, I would have never imagined that I would be okay with spending $8 on a hamburger!) We then went to the concert and Casey endured the crowd which consisted 90% of 12 year olds screaming like Hadlie when she doesn't get her way, and 9% of the crowd were their parents who looked as miserable as Casey. And then 1% of the crowd were like me, middle-aged women who really love David's voice! Casey was so great to take me, and I really had a great time with him! Thanks hon!