Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Rainy Days at Lagoon means NO LINES! Yahoo!
Monday, June 29, 2009
I donut know where Hadlie is!
Lots of Rain = Lots of Beauty!
This rainbow is so beautiful and we got to see it right outside our door! I love seeing beauty like this, it makes me grateful for our beautiful world, and for my Heavenly Father.
Wacky Wednesday- Cascade Springs
Fleetwood Mac again?
Yeah, we liked the show so well in Vegas that we went to their show in Salt Lake the next week. Mike & Lori came with us, and we always have fun with those two yuppies! :)
Wacky Wednesday- Bean Museum & BYU Creamery
The Bean Museum was great! We had such a fun group of friends, and the kids loved seeing all the animals from BIG to small. Big animals like elephants down to small butterflies, it was so much fun! The Bean Museum is free and they have little workshops at certain times, and I found out that if you call in advance, they will take you on a tour and schedule a reptile show (with real snakes!) for your group. Too bad I didn't know that before we went, but now you know, so you can schedule your trip!
After we went and had delicious icecream at the BYU creamery! Thanks for all the friends who came and made it that much more fun!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
33 is gonna be my Lucky year!
So they think they can dance.
Ryllie at her dance festival at school. She is so darn cute!
Every time this song comes on, Cy goes crazy!
Memorial Day Weekend in Scofield 2009
Last day of camping and we are a mess! Cy is wearing Max's fleece because his was beyond filthy!