Monday, August 25, 2008


Karen tagged me & my mom tagged Ryllie

4 Places I go over & over
Hollie: the kitchen, the bathroom, the car, the laundry room
Ryllie: the kitchen, the bathroom, the car, the garage to get my bike.

4 people who email me regularly
Hollie: waynsh, dads forwards, the relief society, junk mail
Ryllie: i don't have an email.

4 places i'd rather be
Hollie: in bed, in bed, in bed, in bed (its 1 am for crying outloud, & i've been glued to everyones blog updates)
Ryllie: not in bed, not in bed, not in bed, eating icecream.

4 people i talk to daily
Hollie: Casey, Ryllie, Maddux, Cy, & Hadlie
Ryllie: Mom, dad, Maddux, Cy, & Hadlie

4 favorite food places
Hollie: Mexican restaurants, Prime in Vegas, anyones home who offers to cook for me, i like food so much it is too hard to narrow down.
Ryllie: David's Kitchen (chinese), Rib City, Wendy's for chicken nuggets, Costco hotdogs

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Yea Ryllie, You are the first one to respond to my tag. Great answers! I want you to change one of the places you go to the most to Grandma and Grandpa's home in St. George. Wishful thinking.