I never thought I would have an enemy, but her
e she is.
She is just so annoying! I tell her to leave and she keeps coming back! Everytime I think I have finally gotten rid of her, she is back with at least 2 more loads. Who has time for this? This is beyond disturbing, and it is never ending. I spend at least 30 to 60 minutes of each day dealing with her and her drama. It gets old. I want to turn my back on her, but when I do the issue grows ten "fold".
I know. She is pretty much a B, and I do not mean Beautiful. She totally tries to come and hang with me, and I am like get that stench out of my face. She is like trying to lose weight. Each time you think you have gotten rid of some, you turn the corner to see a bunch more.
I hear you! I can't stand all the laundry build up.I need a maid to take over:0
Laundry and ironing are two things that I have to talk myself into doing by remembering what it used to be like, with scrub boards and wash tubs and wringers and heating plates. It makes it easier to get through, but only just :D
I feel your pain. Liberty's bed is covered with laundry right now so she has to sleep in the crib. The sad thing is its been there for 3 days now.
what's laundry?
I am with you 100% I just got my 3 day pile cleared out and put into their rooms and now I have 4 more full laundry baskets. There must me an easier way!!!
i'm right there with you hol, and we only have 3 in our family!
AMEN SISTA! I HATE laundry. It never ends, NEVER! If I could afford a maid it would be for the laundry, but she would need to come everyday. I actually probably hate it more that I have one day a week to do laundry, so it is SO overwhelming. I should probably try to do a load everyday, but I am so particular about the color thing and having a full load. I agree with the above post, there HAS to be an easier way.
Funny that I have the same enemy! Cute post!
Hollie, I must tell you, you need to look at this enemy with more kindness. You think you want her gone and then little by little she goes away. Then you start having to borrow her from your kids and invent ways to make more of her because after you dislike her for so long, you really did like her, just a little bit. You will even start finding ways to make her better and brighter, with less imperfections. You like to help her look and smell better, and even start being proud of her. Listen to me honey. I know.
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