Friday, December 19, 2008

A little Out of Control this Holiday Season

Time to catch up with my December blogging! The first week of December consisted of a Karoake birthday party for my friend Kristin. Me and my neighbor friends got a little looney singing HSM & 80's karoake. It was pretty hilarious! Thanks Renee and Daniella for planning the party. I kinda like putting the kids to bed early so I can go play!
On the 4th we celebrated my brother Javin's birthday at his clubhouse. Happy birthday my rockin bro! On the 5th we were able to go to Summer's Dance recital and as always she was the star of the show. Casey was suppose to be on a campout with the scouts, and last minute
they decided to just camp in my backyard. Funny thing, they didn't end up sleeping outside, they slept up in the toy room, and played Rock Band till 2am. This group of deacons are all such cool kids, and they had a blast on this campout. They got home bright and early just in time for the Ward Christmas Breakfast. It is definitely December! Busy, busy, busy! That wraps up the speed version of the first week of December.

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