Sunday, April 13, 2008

I was so silly in highschool!

I don't know why I thought about this, but it made me laugh. You know when you were in highschool and you'd be cruisin with your friends? Often times, you probably yelled or whistled or shouted things out the windows at cute boys, or passerbys. So I use to do this kinda stuff all the time with my friends in highschool. Sometimes we would roll down our windows at stoplights and say to the people in the car next to us, "Pardon me, but do you have any grey poupon your pants." We thought we were pretty hilarious. Anyway, so I'm a bit of a spaz and I decide to just randomly yell out my window to people outside "You are Wonderful" or "Have a Wonderful Day!" I don't know why I was such a dork! So I was remembering this the other day and realized how funny that really is. Can you imagine standing outside your house and some wierd girl drives down the street and yells out to you, "You are Wonderful!" I don't care who you are, that is FUNNY!


Katie said...

oh yes those high school days were so wonderful. We were a little silly though. Oh to be young again.
The landscaping on our easter egg hunt is my parents backyard. My dad is amazing at that kind of stuff. I only hope I can have that kind of talent someday.

Anonymous said...

You are on fire with your blogging! I hate thinking about things I did back then :-) I loved the gray poupon. That is still funny

Heather said...

I was so excited to see that you had been on my blog. I jumped over to yours today to just in time to reminisce about high school, how perfect is that? Those were the days!

Janell said...

Hollie, I seriously laughed about your grey poupon story for like 10 minutes straight. Jeff's like...what are you laughing about? I told him that I was just laughing about you being you. You have always been obsessed with poop...."spout, spout, let your fart out," "stinky bottoms," "did you have to let it linger, did you have to let a stinker", etc... should I keep going?? Because I haven't even scratched the surface!

Man I miss those days. You make me laugh!