Sunday, April 13, 2008

Max World 2- Striking a Pose

I've decided to keep updating funny things that Maddux says and does. These pictures show her personality very well. Tonight she was pretending to be a waitress, and went up to dad with a piece of paper and a pen. "Dad, can I take your order, what would you like to eat tonight?" Dad answers, "Steak, chicken lobster, and a soda". Maddux pretends to write it down and then comes to me. "Mom, can I take your order." I said, "I'll have what dad's having. Now tell me what he's having." I wanted to see if she could remember his order. She couldn't remember, so she told me that I'd have to read it off her paper and handed it to me. Of course she can't write, and I can't read chicken scratches, but I thought that was a pretty clever comeback.

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