Friday, June 6, 2008

End of School Slumber Party!

Casey had gone with the boyscouts for a campout, so I told the girls they could have a sleepover. Cousins Jordyn & Leah, and friends Hallee and Hailey came over. They watched movies, ate icecream and popcorn, and at 9pm decided to run through the sprinklers that had turned on in the front yard. I thought it was pretty funny, sounds like something I would have done when I
was a kid.


Mitsy said...

Did I mention that you are CRAZY? You have WAY more patience than I do to have 4 extra girls over ALL night! lol. You go girl!

Melanie said...

I found your blog! Wahoo! It was so much fun to see you last night and reminisce about all our fun sleepovers. This post reminded me of the one at your house when we were really little and thought it would be fun to have a pajama parade around the neighborhood. What memories! And by the way, next time we have a sleepover, I'll supply the Whoppers and the Starbursts and we won't even ration them... :)