Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ryllie Lost one of her Pirate Teeth

Ryllie has had several tooth problems and a couple of years ago (during the Pirates of the Caribbean excitement) she mentioned to me that her teeth were like a pirate's because she had cracks in teeth, some teeth missing (due to an extraction), and gold teeth (caps on her root canals). Well, this past Sunday as we were visiting Grandma & Grandpa Hansen one of her pirate teeth was so loose that she could flick it back and forth with her tongue. All of us starting getting involved wanting to help her get that tooth out. It got pretty entertaining. I started out in the bathroom with her gently trying to loosen the tooth, then grandpa comes in and says, "Let me have a try, I pull my teeth out every night!" I couldn't stop laughing after that. Casey, finally takes a turn and tells her to count backwards from 10 and that when they got to 0 he would pull it. She was distracted and on 7 he pulled it out. It was a very climactic moment at the Hansen's. We had a great time cramming 4 adults and 4 kids in their bathroom to witness the tooth coming out. Grandpa gave her $3 as an added bonus. Ryllie left the tooth in the most darling envelope that she had colored on and wrote "tooth faery" on. The tooth fairy wanted to keep that cute envelope so she stuck it in my purse so that Ryllie would not see it. The next morning Hadlie found my purse and pulled out the envelop. Ryllie: "Why is my tooth in your purse?" Mom: "Uhhh, uhhh, I'm not sure, that's wierd, maybe the toothfairy wanted to let me keep your envelope because it is so cute". Ryllie: smiles at the compliment and says, "But my tooth is still in it. I guess I'll try it again tonight." That night the tooth fairy remembers to take the tooth (and throw it out), and keep the envelope only. Ryllie seriously doesn't catch on though, Phew!


Mitsy said...

She's brave! Kaden screams like a girl when Mike tries to get his out. lol

Kaysha Alesa said...

Ahoy there me hearty.